TEDGlobal 2010(2)
쉬나 아이옌거: 선택의 기술
TEDGlobal 2010 HTML 삽입 미리보기할 수 없는 소스 Sheena Iyengar: The art of choosing | TED Talk The art of choosing Sheena Iyengar studies how we make choices -- and how we feel about the choices we make. At TEDGlobal, she talks about both trivial choices (Coke v. Pepsi) and profound ones, and shares her groundbreaking research that has uncovered some surprising attitud www.ted.com About This Talk 쉬나 아이옌거는 ..
2023.06.10 -
데릭 시버스: 자신의 목표를 스스로 간직하세요.
TEDGlobal 2010 HTML 삽입 미리보기할 수 없는 소스 Derek Sivers: Keep your goals to yourself | TED Talk Keep your goals to yourself After hitting on a brilliant new life plan, our first instinct is to tell someone, but Derek Sivers says it's better to keep goals secret. He presents research stretching as far back as the 1920s to show why people who talk about their ambitions may be les www.ted.com About This ..