마이클 샌델, 민주적인 토론이라는 잃어버린 기술에 대해서
TED2010 HTML 삽입 미리보기할 수 없는 소스 Michael Sandel: The lost art of democratic debate | TED Talk The lost art of democratic debate Democracy thrives on civil debate, Michael Sandel says -- but we're shamefully out of practice. He leads a fun refresher, with TEDsters sparring over a recent Supreme Court case (PGA Tour Inc. v. Martin) whose outcome reveals the critical ingredient in jus www.ted.com Abou..
2023.06.10 -
레베카 색스: 우리는 어떻게 다른 사람들의 생각을 읽을까?
TEDGlobal 2009 HTML 삽입 미리보기할 수 없는 소스 Rebecca Saxe: How we read each other's minds | TED Talk How we read each other's minds Sensing the motives and feelings of others is a natural talent for humans. But how do we do it? Here, Rebecca Saxe shares fascinating lab work that uncovers how the brain thinks about other peoples' thoughts -- and judges their actions. www.ted.com About This Talk 다른 사람의 감정..
2023.06.10 -
마크 팍터 : 인터뷰의 기술
EG 2008 HTML 삽입 미리보기할 수 없는 소스 Marc Pachter: The art of the interview | TED Talk The art of the interview Marc Pachter has conducted live interviews with some of the most intriguing characters in recent American history as part of a remarkable series created for the Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery. He reveals the secret to a great interview and shares www.ted.com About This Talk 마크 팍터는 스미..
2023.06.08 -
마이클 셔머: 자기 기만의 패턴
TED2010 HTML 삽입 미리보기할 수 없는 소스 Michael Shermer: The pattern behind self-deception | TED Talk The pattern behind self-deception Michael Shermer says the human tendency to believe strange things -- from alien abductions to dowsing rods -- boils down to two of the brain's most basic, hard-wired survival skills. He explains what they are, and how they get us into trouble. www.ted.com About This Talk ..
2023.06.08 -
마띠유 리카드의 행복의 습관들
TED2004 HTML 삽입 미리보기할 수 없는 소스 Matthieu Ricard: The habits of happiness | TED Talk The habits of happiness What is happiness, and how can we all get some? Biochemist turned Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard says we can train our minds in habits of well-being, to generate a true sense of serenity and fulfillment. www.ted.com About This Talk 행복이란 무엇이고, 어떻게 하면 우리는 행복해질 수 있을까? 한 때 생화학자였던 불교승 마띠유 리카드는 우리가..
2023.06.08 -
Marvin Minsky의 강연 - 건강과 인간의 마음
TED2003 HTML 삽입 미리보기할 수 없는 소스 Marvin Minsky: Health and the human mind | TED Talk Health and the human mind Listen closely -- Marvin Minsky's arch, eclectic, charmingly offhand talk on health, overpopulation and the human mind is packed with subtlety: wit, wisdom and just an ounce of wily, is-he-joking? advice. www.ted.com About This Talk 건강과 인구과밀, 사람의 마음에 대해 Marvin Minsky가 들려주는 다방면에 걸친 즉흥적이고 (o..